Would You Like to Contribute an Article for This Blog
Hi I'm inviting all you little Buddha's to create an article and submit it to me via email at rdtibet@yahoo.com for consideration for publication here on Wisdom Loving Mother. REMEMBER TOPICS INCLUDE BUDDHISM, FENG SHUI, AND NATURAL HEALING ONLY. I'm thinking that there may be people out there who do not want to create and maintain their own blog - too much work, but would like to write an article or two maybe not even on a regular basis only when you are moved to write. Of course, I would allow backlinks to your website if you have one.
I got this idea from a new concept called blog our blog where people share one blog rather then each person being responsible for creating new material frequently. I like this idea because I now work full time and also commute 10-15 hours a week especially if the weather is bad. Of course, I also need time to meditate. But I also want to maintain control of the content which I choose to publish here in order to keep it sacred and show integrity.
So please contact me and lets collaborate! Post your comments or ideas or just email me. Thanks for your input in advance.
Rinchen Chodron
I got this idea from a new concept called blog our blog where people share one blog rather then each person being responsible for creating new material frequently. I like this idea because I now work full time and also commute 10-15 hours a week especially if the weather is bad. Of course, I also need time to meditate. But I also want to maintain control of the content which I choose to publish here in order to keep it sacred and show integrity.
So please contact me and lets collaborate! Post your comments or ideas or just email me. Thanks for your input in advance.
Rinchen Chodron